Understanding Earth’s Dynamic Landscapes
Sea level rise, sediment supply reduction, and subsidence are driving coastal land-loss.
Attempts to mitigate coastal land-loss include building engineering structures to protect our coastlines against erosion, and modifying river channels to divert water and sediment to rebuild coastal land.
River deltas build land. We study the processes that drive delta dynamics.
Our research seeks to answer the following questions: What controls the evolution of river-delta and coastline morphology? How is stratigraphy developed in modern fluvial-deltaic systems? We use field measurements, physical experiments, and numerical models to address these questions on timescales that range seconds to thousands of years, and from grain-scale sediment transport to the generation of large-scale stratigraphy.
We are based at the University of Houston
Houston is a diverse metropolitan on the Gulf of Mexico. UH Morphodynamics benefits from proximity to the coast, and diverse team members & colleagues.